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Easy Charts

Easy and Elegant Charts

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Easy Charts

Contributors: kiranpotphode
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Build simple, reusable, customizable charts on any page or post with ease.


This plugin is a easy to use and powerful way to generate charts to show on your website page and posts. Charts created using this plugin are simple to create, easy to manage.

Charts are created using SVG and CSS3 transitions; so are interactive. This plugin is developed using uvCharts javascript liabrary

12 Chart types

Lots of chart type you can choose from. Follow some quick steps and create interactive charts embed anywhere in post or page. You can add multiple charts or single chart multiple times on single page.

Supported charts are: 1. Bar Chart 2. Stacked Bar Chart 3. Step Up Bar Chart 4. Percent Bar Chart 5. Area Chart 6. Stacked Area Chart 7. Percent Area Chart 8. Line Chart 9. Pie Chart 10. Donut Chart 11. Polar Area Chart 12. Waterfall Chart

Uniform Data Representation

Provide data to chart and it will work for any chart type. You can switch to any chart type without making any changes in data. Manage your data with excel sheet like experience.

Simple and customizable

Charts are simple to manage and highly customizable with many categorized configuration options. Live preview of charts on screen make it easy to have an idea about how your chart is going to look.

Download as Image

Options is provided so that user can download chart as an image.

Embed anywhere

With Quick insert button to visual editor you can quickly add available charts to any post or page.

Elegant designs

Charts configuration come with many predefined design and color preferences. Easy charts are responsive too.


  1. Upload easy-charts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I embed a chart in a post

You can use either method from below: 1. Copy shortcode generated in 'Shortcode' section of published charts. 2. Click on Easy Charts button on Visual Editor and choose from available charts to embed.